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Farrell’s Lawn Service is pleased to announce we are now a registered & licensed vendor for pesticide application to provide fertilization and weed control programs for your lawn. Allow us to provide you with one company to perform all of your lawn care services. We will be offering competitive pricing with the highest quality service.


If you would like to improve the health of your lawn and add these services to your lawn care maintenance routine, please call the office at 585-335-6416 and we would be happy to set up a walk-through of your property and provide a quote.

A full year program would consist of the following:
* Spring Application: Pre-emergent crabgrass control and fertilizer

          Provides pre-emergent control of crabgrass for 3-5 months and a fertilizer blend for early season

* Late Spring Application: Liquid pre-emergent broadleaf control

          For treatment of broadleaf weeds i.e. dandelions, clover and knotweed
* Early Summer Application: Fertilizer

          We use a 18-0-3 fertilizer which has a higher nitrogen level to maintain a healthy green lawn
* Fall Application: Granular post-emergent broadleaf control and fertilizer

          Used to control over two dozen different weed species and the fertilizer has a higher nitrogen level to maintain a healthy green lawn as we enter the cool fall season


Additional services:

* Grub and Insect Control

          Treatment for grubs, ants, fleas & ticks, Japanese beetles

* Moss Treatment

* Lawn Aeration

          Improve your lawns health by increasing air and water circulation

* Over Seeding

          The seed we use is custom blended for this area

* Glyphosate Application

          Non-selective herbicide for total eradication

* Fall Fertilizer

          We use a 24-0-4 granular fertilizer which provides nitrogen to your lawn to improve health over the winter

* PH Balance

          Improves soil structure and nourishes beneficial bacteria in your soil



Call for your FREE, no-obligation quote today!


Business Regulation #18643

Specialist: #C8902946 Zach Farrell

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